Friday, December 27, 2019

Guilt And Redemption In Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner

The 18th century philosopher and writer Voltaire believed that â€Å"every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.† While everyone may not agree with these words, it is an indisputable fact that some people feel guilt not in what they have done but in what they could have done. When faced with a difficult situation, a person has the choice to turn the other way or try and solve the issue. Khaled Hosseini’s novel The Kite Runner explores the subject of guilt and redemption through the character Amir. When faced with the choice between helping a friend and running away, Amir chooses the latter. This decision plagues Amir throughout his entire life as he seeks redemption to ease his regret. In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the author†¦show more content†¦Instead of helping, he turns and runs the other way. His justification to himself is that perhaps â€Å"Hassan [is] the price [Amir has] to pay, the lamb [he has] to slay, to win Baba† (77). Tho ugh cowardice has something to do with him running away, Amir also sees this as an opportunity to get past Hassan in the race for Baba’s affections. Amir’s comparison of Hassan to a â€Å"lamb† is rooted in the innocence that a lamb often represents. Hassan is an innocent, pure child, but Amir must â€Å"slay† him in order to get what he truly wants. Though he understands the weight of this decision and knows that it is wrong, he still turns and runs the other way when Hassan is in danger as a result of the jealousy that had been building up his entire childhood. Amir’s betrayal of Hassan burdens him with a guilty conscience for much of his life. After he wins the kite running contest, Amir gains Baba’s affection. He begins to push away Hassan not only because he knows it will allow himself to become closer to Baba, but because he cannot bear to be with the person he wronged in such a way. He starts to feel the effects of his guilt, and starts to believe that â€Å"it shouldn’t [feel] this way. Baba and [Amir are] finally friends†¦ [Amir] finally [has] what [he has] wanted all [these] years. Except now that [he has] it, [he feels] as empty as this unkempt pool [he’s] dangling [his] legs into† (85). Amir is unable to enjoy hisShow MoreRelatedGuilt and Redemption in Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner1522 Words   |  7 PagesGuilt and Redemption What is Guilt? Guilt is the overwhelming feeling of remorse that one experiences after committing a sin. What is Redemption? Redemption is compensating for one’s sins through actions that relieves one from guilt. Thesis When making choices that causes one to feel guilt, one tries to purge their guilt through the act of redemption. Hosseini exhibits this through the characters of Sanaubar, Baba and Amir. Sanaubar’s Guilt and Redemption Sanaubar elopesRead MoreSymbolism Of Kite Running By Khaled Hosseini1243 Words   |  5 PagesKali Denney Mr. Snyder AP Literature and Composition 11 December 2015 Symbolism of Kite Running In this essay the book being discussed is, Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Khaled Hosseini’s biography will be discussed as well as the historical influences upon him that affect the novel as a whole. The essay will contain a critical analysis as well as an analysis of the critical response to the work by others. In the novel and now a grown man, the main character Amir recalls events in his childhoodRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Kite Runner1090 Words   |  5 PagesOctober 2017 Consequences of War: A Critical Analysis of the Kite Runner On a day to day basis, an individual is faced with an obstacle they must overcome, ultimately defining their morals and values. In the literature perspective, the novel The Kite Runner delivers multiple thematic ideas that portray the struggles of characters in their ordinary lives. Khaled Hosseini, author and physician, released his debut novel The Kite Runner in the year of 2003. This novel is written in the first personRead More Khaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner Essay1008 Words   |  5 PagesKhaled Hosseinis The Kite Runner In the Kite Runner, the author explores the ties that bind sons to fathers and childhood friends to one another and of the forces that tear them apa rtRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Kite Runner 1685 Words   |  7 Pagescould be used in a story. However, the theme of redemption seems to be one of the most common. Redemption is when one commits a wrongdoing and in order to erase the constant feeling of guilt, one will atone, or make up, for their sins. 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Now, it is Amir who has to prove to the world, and also to himself that he is worthy of Hassans endless sincerity and devotion. Khaled Hosseini does an excellent job of portraying this transformation in his writing. Hosseinis novel, The Kite Runner, illustrates the value of loyalty in the relationships between Hassan and Amir, Sanaubar and Sohrab, and Amir and Baba. First is the relationship between Hassan and Amir. â€Å"Hassan never deniedRead MoreThe Kite Runner by by Khaled Hosseini: Blinded by Guilt795 Words   |  4 PagesThe Kite Runner: Blinded by Guilt A person’s childhood is the foundation that paves the way for the rest of one’s life. Memorable events can trigger certain emotions in a child and, as a result, change the nature of that person as an adult. Set in the 1970s in California, the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is told in flashbacks as the reader follows the main character through his resolutions to lifelong conflicts. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Gender Inequality Within The United States - 2702 Words

Gender Inequality In the United States there are many human equal rights for women but they are insufficient to create equality. Despite of many equality rules gender inequality still exists and that’s the fact. In history women were not allowed to study or work. In modern world women are achieving education goals and also working. Does that mean women are getting equal treatments? The answer is no, women are not treated as equally as men. The graduation rates for women are higher then men, but in workplaces you can not see that ratio. Today women are working in almost every field and defining their selves very well but they are not getting equal payment and recognition as men. Even in society women are expected to take care of child not†¦show more content†¦There are several reason that encounters for the pay gap but after adjusting all factors this pay exists. Pay gap has been narrowed in last decade in the United States. Women are not getting paid equally despite of having similar education and skills like male employees, women earn 23% less per dollar than men at many workplaces. Women are supposed to keep up with family responsibilities, which stop women from working more hours or achieving goals and seniority. There are many father contributes time to family care giving but society have more expectations from mother. There are many people think that gender pay gap doesn’t exist or women are getting treatment. In many houses woman salary is counted as side income. In workplaces women should also get paid equal if they have equal education and skills as male employees. Gender pay has been narrowed in last decade. Many of us think that gender pay gap does not exist, or women get paid less because they do not work enough hours at work. Inequality persists because women were more likely to say they had taken breaks from their careers to care for their family. Jordan talks about a survey which saws that girls perform better in math, science and economics compare to the men. ****; â€Å"since 2000 the gender gap in labor force participation has held similar education levels, women’s annual wages for full-time, year-rounf work were 77% od men’s in 2008. In this centuryShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality Within The United States1531 Words   |  7 Pageswe can see there is a trend implicates that the gender roles are slowly starting to change but the gender stereotype still have stayed firmly over the years in North America even though people are now more aware of the problem of gender inequality. In North America, gender roles between women and men are now being shared more equally in workspace due to the feminism movements and higher literacy level of women, but there are still gender inequality existing in our society. Feminism movements haveRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1410 Words   |  6 PagesEquality Among Gender Both within and across different cultures we find great consistency in standards of desirable gender-role behavior. Males are expected to be independent, assertive, and competitive; females are expected to be more passive, sensitive, and supportive. These beliefs have changed over the past twenty years within the United States and apparently around the world as well. Therefore, modern society has been trying for the past decade to eliminate all of these stereotypes and doubleRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1686 Words   |  7 PagesThere have been many advances in society, especially for women despite these advancements, there continues to be inequalities in sexual â€Å"equality† .Why does a wage difference exists between men and women? Are employers being sexist? Sexism has been a problem since the beginning of mankind. Women have struggled to achieve equality with men. The male dominated culture has led the female gender to become the â€Å"weaker sexà ¢â‚¬ . This discrimination, of course, based on the stereotype that women should be stayRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1701 Words   |  7 PagesGender has had a repeating effect on the choice of careers for people all throughout the United States. In history, it is taught that males dominated women in many careers, while women dominated males in only a few other minor positions. Males had an upper hand over women in engineering and in the military. One of the reasons males dominated was the idea of dominance over women has been passed down for centuries. It was never common for a women to be an engineer of a home or anything that wasn’tRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States1879 Words   |  8 Pagesand colonization has evolved, gender in the United States has been constructed in a manner that is unknown in other countries. Our society has made different stereotypes for certain sexes. It is socially impossible to not make a collation betwee n sex and gender in the United States. Women are viewed the same in the professional world and in the home life perspective. All roles played by women are considered to be inadequate or insignificant compared to men. Gender characteristics, such as masculinityRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States Of The English Department Of Ku.881 Words   |  4 PagesIn today s society we have gender inequality without us even knowing we are doing it, because it is how we are all raised. From when a lot of us were younger we have seen everyone else â€Å" doing gender† so we have picked up on it.By doing gender we create different levels that men and women are put on. These levels are not natural they are man made. The culture we are raised in assigns and creates for us the different attributes and behaviors. Since we are aware of the expectations that are held overRead MoreInequality Between Men And Women1315 Words   |  6 Pages Inequality between Men and Women Trisha Stafford American Public University System Mrs. Decter Table of Contents Introduction 3 Defining â€Å"Social Problem† 3 Explaining Sociological Viewpoint 3 Chosen Social Problem Introduction 3 Thesis 3 Defining Sexism 3 Why is it a social problem? 3-4 Statistics 4 Identifying and Defining Four Concepts Related to Sexism 4-5 How is this problem being addressed? 5 Conclusion 6 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreThroughout Centuries Gender Has Been A Social Construct1363 Words   |  6 Pages Throughout centuries gender has been a social construct that enforces gender norms and as a result, gender inequality was born. Gender inequality has prevailed and can be observed throughout most cultures, education, labor force, and in our own personal lives. At a very young age we are introduced to a gender identity based upon the sex we were born with. Girls are associated with the color pink, dolls, nurturing tendencies, and inclined to be more emotional. While boys are associated with theRead MoreRacial Inequality797 Words   |  4 PagesRacial inequality is regrettably imbedded in the history of the United States. Americans like to think of the American colonies as the start or founding of the quest for freedom, initially, the ending of religious oppression and later political and economic liberty. Yet, from the start, the fabric of American society was equally founded on brutal forms of supremacy, inequality and oppression which involved the absolute denial of freedom for slaves. This is one of the great paradoxes of American historyRead MoreGender Inequality : A Good Understanding Of The Social Inequality Essay1487 Words   |  6 PagesAs a female college student I feel the necessity to have a good understanding of the social in equalities around me. Although, women have socially grown with more power over the years, it is not enough to equalize with the men. For example, the pay gap difference between men and women for not having the â€Å"testosterone bonus† even though the same education and qualifications are present. I hope that over time I will be able to experience a change and have the same equal rights as men because I feel

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Clumsiness free essay sample

CLUMSINESS BROKEN BONES When I was younger, I wasn’t aware of my body and would do careless things that would cause me to fracture or even get bad bruises. In my life time, I hurt my finger and arm, and this was extremely painful. My family always had barbeques on hot summer nights. Family and friends would show up with different foods or deserts and my parents would prepare them. I would sometimes help (usually with the deserts?). All BBQs started and ended exactly the same. At first, all guests would arrive and would bring their foods into the kitchen. Then my dad and my dad’s friends would prepare and cook the food while my mom and her friends would set the table. They would always gossip about what they found out earlier in the day. While my parents and their friends were talking, my friends and I would be playing in the back yard or in the basement. In the backyard we would swing on the tire swing, go on the zip-line or even play tag. In the basement, we would play board games, Barbies, house, and watch T.V. But at the age of six, going into first grade, this barbeque was different than all the rest. We played a bit and then ate dinner. When dinner was over, my friends and I would play in the backyard until desert was served. In my basement, we had a big, red, bouncy ball. My family friend Dan was really interested in it and brought it to my backyard. While he was playing with it, he shouted, â€Å"Hey! Look at what I can do!† I had a stool about two feet high in order to get onto my zip line. So he stepped onto the stool and put the big, red ball in front of it. He took a big jump on the bench and then onto the big ball and he landed on his feet. I was so jealous that he could do that! He looked like superman when he went into the air! Since I thought that was so cool, I decided to try to do it and see if I could land on my feet just like he did. I stepped onto the stool and did exactly what he did, except I didn’t land on my feet. I landed right on my arm! I was hysterically crying and couldn’t get up because it hurt so badly! Thank God there was a doctor there because if there wasn’t, I don’t know what I would have done. My parents and family friends ran down to the lower level of my backyard and helped me up. I remember looking at my arm and the bottom of it was facing up because my arm was twisted. I iced my arm for a while and then we realized it got worse. My parents and family friend ended up taking me to the hospital. When I first got to the hospital, I got an x-ray. After the x-ray was taken, the person who took the picture of my arm felt my arm to see where it was broken and it really hurt. I was waiting in the waiting room for about an hour. After waiting for me to get my cast, I finally entered the room. It ended up that I had two fractures in my arm! Beca use it was so bad, I had to get anesthesia so they could put my arm back in place. I ended up having my cast for two long months. BRUISES AND FRACTURES Another painful experience in my life took place at a Passover dinner. My best friend and her family came over along with my parents’ friends. Dinner started, and came and went. While dinner was being cleaned up, and dessert was about to come out, my friend Tori, her sister, and other friends that were over were playing tag in my basement. My stairs are in the center of my basement so there’s a hallway and den going around it. To the left of the staircase is the little hallway and to the right is the den. My friends and I were running around the staircase and were having a blast†¦ but not for long. I was running around the staircase, and my arm was horizontal, and I hit my knuckle right against the wall! At that moment, I was in excruciating pain. I ran upstairs crying and iced my arm in the same place where I was icing my arm when I broke it. I ended up going to the hospital and they said it was just a sprain. That following week, my finger was still badly bruised, so I ended up going to a hand doctor. I got x-rays and I had bruises in two of my fingers and fractured my knuckles. I had a splint on my two fingers for a whole week. Unfortunately, that week was the first week of seventh grade. I had someone to write for me since I couldn’t because the hand that hurt was the hand that I wrote with. Today, my fingers are distorted and have something known as swan neck deformity on my middle and ring finger. A swan neck deformity describes a finger with a hyper extended PIP joint and a flexed DIP joint. Today, I am more aware of what I do with my body. This is because, bruises, fractures, and breaks are very painful and I don’t want to go through that again. Clumsiness free essay sample Review of literature on psychology physiology of clumsiness. Motor skills, feedback, coordination and treatment. CLUMSINESS: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE RELATED TO EDUCATION Abstract This research reviewed the literature with educational implications that is related to clumsiness. Clumsiness is defined generally as a lack of age-adequate motor skills, in the absence of clear neurological impairment, in people with normal intelligence. Clumsiness in children most often is a manifestation of impaired motor skill development. Motor skills are smoothly timed muscular movements enabling procedures to be undertaken. There are four primary motor skill componentsaccuracy, speed, economy of effort, and flexibility. Each of the four components of motor skill are essential to the automatization of a performance ..

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pygmalion in Management free essay sample

Pygmalion effect allows employees to succeed in reaction to the manager’s message that they have the potential to succeed or are expected to succeed (Sterling, 2003). Impact on Productivity One of the key inclusive illustrations of the influence of managerial expectations on the aspect of productivity is well documented in research studies of organizational experiment carried out in 1961 by Alfred Orberlander, who was the manager of the Rockway District Office of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. He was able to understand that excellent insurance firms grew faster as compared to poor firms in insurance industry. Furthermore, he found that new insurance firms do better in excellent insurance firms than in poor or average firms, despite of their sales ability. Though the productivity of the â€Å"super-staff† was enhanced significantly, it must be pointed out that the productivity of male employees in the lowest unit â€Å"who were not considered to have any chance of attaining the half-million to dollar mark†, actually declined and that abrasion among these men was high (Sterling, 2003). We will write a custom essay sample on Pygmalion in Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The performance of superior male increased to meet the manager’s expectations at the same time as that of the weaker men decreased as anticipated. In Metropolitan Insurance Company, the combination of best agents and group of best managers resulted in best performance by far. The combination of average employees and average managers astoundingly led to high performance since the manager refused to accept that she cannot match the best group’s performance. In addition, integrating poor agents with group of poor managers resulted in low performance hence increased attrition (Tierney Farmer, 2004). Self-fulfilling Prophecies In the article by Livingston, the â€Å"average† unit provided anomalous results. Even though the district manager anticipated only â€Å"average† performance from the study group, its productivity rose appreciatively. This is for the reason that the manager assigned the group refused to accept that he was less able than his counterpart managers in â€Å"super-staff† level or that the agents in the top group has any special ability than the agents of his group. He persisted that agents and managers in the middle position had higher chances of producing better results than the men in the â€Å"super-staff†, having inadequate experience in selling insurance. He motivated his group members, which included managers and agents to out-perform the â€Å"super-staff†. Therefore, because of this, the middle groups increased their productivity. This means that self-fulfilling prophecies are basically prevalent in offices, which are the same in classroom situations (Sterling, 2003). If the manager is satisfied and persuaded that the individuals in his group are first-rate, the will unfailingly do better than groups whose mangers believes the opposite, although the inborn capabilities of the two groups are equal. Pattern of Failure When a salesman is taken by their managers as super salesmen, as the â€Å"super-staff† was treated in Rockway District Office, and then they strive to cope with that image and perform what befits super-salesmen. However, when salesmen having poor productivity records are interpreted by managers as having minimal chances of success, the same low producers at Rockway behaved, then it means this negative anticipation or expectation by managers emerges to be managerial self-fulfilling prophecy (Tierney Farmer, 2004). Power of Expectations Managers cannot evade the disheartening cycle of activities that shift from low expectations basically by concealing their feeling from their juniors. If a manager considers that a junior employee will perform poorly, it is practically impossible for the manager to hide his/her expectations, since the message is normally communicated inadvertently, without action on his part. Certainly, the manager communicates the most when he/she considers he/she is communicating the least (Sterling, 2003). The Critical Years The article emphasizes that Managerial anticipations have their most mystical impacts on the youth. As subordinates mature and become experienced, their self-image progressively become cemented, and they start to perceive themselves as their career records mean. Their own dreams, and expectations of their superiors, become ever more influenced and controlled by â€Å"reality† of their precedent performance. This becomes complex for them, and the managers, to produce reciprocally high expectations provided they have excellent records. Therefore, the managerial expectations lead to astute selection whereby the managers will only select only young people who they believe will succeed (Tierney Farmer, 2004). Conclusion In my view, the article Pygmalion in Management by J. Sterling Livingston plays a key role in equipping managers with strategies and lessons that will allow them to deliver to the expectation of the organization. From the article, it can be inferred that managerial expectations are significant for both group performance and individual since they provide the needed insights of producing goods results, such as positive expectation. Managers should also understand that negative expectations kill the morale of subordinate’s hence poor results (Sterling, 2003). Therefore, an extraordinary feature of higher managers is the capability to spur high performance expectations that subordinates need to attain. Subordinates in most cases perform what they think they are expected of. In my opinion, what managers expect their subordinates and the manner they treat them greatly determine their career development and performance. Consequently, the article becomes relevant to managers from all levels as well managers of schools and other institutions. References Sterling Livingston, J. (2003). Pygmalion in Management. Harvard Review Business, January 2003. Tierney, P. , Farmer, S. M. (2004). The Pygmalion process and employee creativity. Journal of Management, 30, 413-432.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Traits That Belong To a Good Paramedic essays

Traits That Belong To a Good Paramedic essays In a time of crisis, when the good has been overthrown by bad, and Mother Nature has thrown her worst at us, paramedics are here to treat and rescue the ill and injured. There are three major components that make paramedics the one that people would prefer to be treated by: quick thinking, patience, and a strong stomach. Quick thinking is a trait not everyone may have, but this is an important essence for a paramedic. When there is an emergency paramedics need to be right on their toes. Things can deteriorate very quickly hence the importance for quick thinking. There is little time to ponder a situation. Action must be taken immediately especially in life or death situations. When someones heart stops, paramedics must be on top of the situation before a person reaches cardiac arrest, for too long and they suffer long-term brain damage or death. Another aspect is patience. Everyone has this trait but it varies in size from person to person. It is important to stay calm and remain. For example, a hyperactive patient may be difficult to treat when unintelligent questions are asked. In this, situation paramedics need to stay cool and collective and take very careful precautions so they do not send them into a further panic thus making any kind of treatment impossible to administer. The final aspect is a strong stomach. When disaster strikes, things get horrific and paramedics cannot get sick when things turn ugly. Situations can become grotesque: car accidents, stabbings, gun shot wounds, or even sick people. Part of having a strong stomach is also being able to keep your emotions under control and not getting attached to your victims. Especially if they die or you are with a hysterical spouse whose partner died. The three aspects, quick thinking, patience, and a strong stomach are traits that make a great paramedic. When paramedics are on call, not thinking, and lack patience, it leaves room for error and personal ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Of Gods and Romans essays

Of Gods and Romans essays The Romans during the time of their Republic relied on their advanced technology, social structure, leadership and politics to achieve as much as they did. To these people, their gods affected all of these factors and the relationships mankind had with them. The contractual relationship between mankind and the gods involved each party in giving, and in return receiving services. The Romans believed that spirits residing in natural and physical objects had the power to control the processes of nature, and that man could influence these processes by symbolic action. The first is a primitive form of religious creed; the second a type of magic. The services by which the Romans hoped to influence the forces that guided their lives were firmly established in ritual - the ritual of prayer and the ritual of offering. In either case, the exact performance of the rite was essential. One slip, and you had to go back to the beginning and start again. The very multiplicity of deities caused problems, as did the gender of some of them: 'wether you be god or goddess' was a common formula in Roman prayers. The motivations of the sacrifices are what of interest. Most of the time, sacrifices took place for purification, supplication, or celebration. The purification ritual was one that was performed before battle (285). Asking for a deed to be done was very popular as well. One usually asked for victory and good fortune in battle (20). Celebration is the event that seems to be the most spectacular of all. Whether it is in joy of an enemies death, such as Mithridates (201), the end of illness of a leader like Pompey (218), or simply the merriment that comes after large victory, we see this in Caesars winnings in Gaul (264). Some sacrificial events took place in order to ask forgiveness and appeasement for defeat of a religious enemy (90 91). Any sacrificial routine was elaborate and messy. The head of the victim was sp...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analyse the industry structure of the 'civil aerospace market' in the Essay

Analyse the industry structure of the 'civil aerospace market' in the aircraft construction industry - Essay Example In the particular case, Pestel analysis is considered to be the most appropriate scheme for the examination and the evaluation of external environment of civil aerospace market not in relation with a particular country but in the context of the international community. Civil aerospace industry is critical for the performance of aircraft construction industry. Under these terms possible failures in the former may lead to severe political consequences for the country where the latter is related. It is for this reason that governments around the world pay significant attention to the particular industry taking all measures (at the highest possible level) that ensure the profitable and effective operation of the firms that belong in the specific industry. Possible financial support of the relevant firms by the state is also a common phenomenon. Currently, financial markets around the world are characterized by severe turbulences. In this context, exchange rates and interests tend to change almost daily. As a result, the design and the application of a long term strategy for the firms operating in the civil aerospace industry is a challenging task. In this context, appropriate measures should be taken by governments around the world towards the stabilization of rates at least for a specific period. Moreover, alterations in the value of currencies within all countries should be avoided at the highest possible level trying to keep the balance among economies in the global marketplace. Only in this way civil aerospace industry could be effectively developed in the long term. A major characteristic of modern era is the trend for creation of common social and cultural patterns. However, this ‘globalization’ in cultural and social traditions cannot be considered as having only positive aspects. In fact, firms operating in the civil airspace industry should take into consideration that culture still remains the major factor that influences