Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Gender Inequality Within The United States - 2702 Words

Gender Inequality In the United States there are many human equal rights for women but they are insufficient to create equality. Despite of many equality rules gender inequality still exists and that’s the fact. In history women were not allowed to study or work. In modern world women are achieving education goals and also working. Does that mean women are getting equal treatments? The answer is no, women are not treated as equally as men. The graduation rates for women are higher then men, but in workplaces you can not see that ratio. Today women are working in almost every field and defining their selves very well but they are not getting equal payment and recognition as men. Even in society women are expected to take care of child not†¦show more content†¦There are several reason that encounters for the pay gap but after adjusting all factors this pay exists. Pay gap has been narrowed in last decade in the United States. Women are not getting paid equally despite of having similar education and skills like male employees, women earn 23% less per dollar than men at many workplaces. Women are supposed to keep up with family responsibilities, which stop women from working more hours or achieving goals and seniority. There are many father contributes time to family care giving but society have more expectations from mother. There are many people think that gender pay gap doesn’t exist or women are getting treatment. In many houses woman salary is counted as side income. In workplaces women should also get paid equal if they have equal education and skills as male employees. Gender pay has been narrowed in last decade. Many of us think that gender pay gap does not exist, or women get paid less because they do not work enough hours at work. Inequality persists because women were more likely to say they had taken breaks from their careers to care for their family. Jordan talks about a survey which saws that girls perform better in math, science and economics compare to the men. ****; â€Å"since 2000 the gender gap in labor force participation has held similar education levels, women’s annual wages for full-time, year-rounf work were 77% od men’s in 2008. In this centuryShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality Within The United States1531 Words   |  7 Pageswe can see there is a trend implicates that the gender roles are slowly starting to change but the gender stereotype still have stayed firmly over the years in North America even though people are now more aware of the problem of gender inequality. In North America, gender roles between women and men are now being shared more equally in workspace due to the feminism movements and higher literacy level of women, but there are still gender inequality existing in our society. 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Our society has made different stereotypes for certain sexes. It is socially impossible to not make a collation betwee n sex and gender in the United States. Women are viewed the same in the professional world and in the home life perspective. All roles played by women are considered to be inadequate or insignificant compared to men. Gender characteristics, such as masculinityRead MoreGender Inequality Within The United States Of The English Department Of Ku.881 Words   |  4 PagesIn today s society we have gender inequality without us even knowing we are doing it, because it is how we are all raised. From when a lot of us were younger we have seen everyone else â€Å" doing gender† so we have picked up on it.By doing gender we create different levels that men and women are put on. These levels are not natural they are man made. The culture we are raised in assigns and creates for us the different attributes and behaviors. 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