Monday, May 25, 2020

Twelfth Night, As You Like It by William Shakespeare

Many details of Shakespeare’s person life were left a mystery for which we as readers must wonder if his plays and sonnets give clue. When going to a Shakespearean play one will find the experience in its self, is one of love, loss, and tragedy. People would come from all around to feel the way Shakespeare wanted the audience to feel. He wanted to express his life and his way of thinking through his art which was dramatic writing. Shakespeare expresses his love through his plays such as Twelfth Night, As You Like It, Hamlet and many others through his use of wit, humor and dramatic talent. In his life he experienced many ups and downs as we all do. Shakespeare married a women, Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than he at the ripe†¦show more content†¦The main theme for this play is that love brings suffering. He refers to his courted marriage with Anne Hathaway, which he had to follow through with because he impregnated her. He portrays the idea that the male i n the relationship is a slave to the wife. Both Orlando and Silvius, conform to this idea. Orlando feels he should â€Å"live and die (Rosalind’s) slave†. He write her poems comparing her to â€Å"priceless jewels†. Silvius asks his love Phoebe to notice â€Å"the wounds invisible / that love’s keen arrows make† (III.v.31–32). It shows love as a forced fulfillment that does not go without suffering. Shakespeare obviously feels that he was forced into marrying Anne Hathaway when she became pregnant and was unhappy with the marriage. Through his use of dramatic talent and humor he shows the correlation between his own personal life and the lives created in As You Like It. The play Hamlet was written during the same time that Shakespeare’s only son, Hamnet dies. His entire world seems to collapse around him because his son, the one that would carry his name on has passed. To Hamlet, when his father dies, this is when his world shatters. He plays with the idea of death, â€Å"To be or not to be† meaning, should he take his life or should he just simply be. Through the pondering, Hamlet finds the answers to some of his deepest questions he has. He wonders if suicide is morally just in his situation. He decides that because of his Christian beliefs, he should notShow MoreRelatedPlot And Action In Twelfth Night By Shakespeare1527 Words   |  7 Pagesplay Twelfth Night, there are a couple of key aspects within the dramaturgy of that play that, to this day, still confuse me. William Shakespeare. And what may those be? Molià ¨re. For starters, in Twelfth Night, there seems to be no unity of time, place, or action. William Shakespeare. Go on. What’s your point? Molià ¨re. My point is that the characters are so unpredictable. They all have their own agendas, each on their own journey of self-discovery. 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